What is Direct Instruction?
Direct Instruction paves the way for students to stay engaged while learning and gradually builds on foundational skills that are critical for future development. The use of mastery tests in our direct instruction programs allow for instructors to pin-point gaps in a child's knowledge and implement remedial strategies before moving onto a new concept.
Direct Instruction is a teaching strategy that is "teacher directed". The instruction process consists of skill development, guided practice, independent practice and finally, evaluation. This "model-lead-test" strategy benefits students of all learning capabilities and academic levels regardless of their starting point.

Siegfried “Zig” Engelmann (1931-2019)
“If the student hasn’t learned, the teacher hasn’t taught—that’s not a slogan, it’s an operating principle.”
Siegfried “Zig” Engelmann, the founder of Direct Instruction, devoted his life to developing and refining Direct Instruction (DI), This powerful education system combines logical analysis of the content students are to learn, thoughtful selection and sequencing of instructional examples, clear communication between teacher and student, The result from his efforts were high rates of active students responding, reinforcement and corrective feedback, practice to mastery, and judicious review. Thousands of children and adults owe their literacy to teachers who continue to skillfully present DI programs that were developed by Engelmann and his colleagues.
Retrieved from: Heward & Twyman, Whatever the Kid Does Is the Truth: Introduction to the Special Section on Direct Instruction - Perspectives on Behavior Science 2022