What is Precision Teaching?
Precision Teaching is an ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) approach to monitoring student performance. At Bridge to Better Learning, we use Precision Teaching methods to track data during each session, as well as modify behaviours that are associated with learning. Student progress is recorded, analyzed and charted. By collecting this data, instructors are able to make adjustments to each child's customized program when needed and keep parents informed throughout the entire process. Also, students are able to visually see their personal academic gains, which in turn boosts their morale and overall confidence.

Precision teaching centres around 4 core values: Pinpoint, Record, Chart and Try, Try Again. As said by Owen White, “Precision teaching is a system for defining instructional targets, monitoring daily performance, and organizing and presenting performance data in a uniform manner to facilitate timely and effective instructional decisions. Precision teaching does not dictate what should be taught or how instruction should proceed. Rather, it represents a set of strategies and tactics for evaluating whatever program a teacher might choose to implement.”
Retrieved from (White, O. R. (2005). Precision teaching. In M. Hersen, G. Sugai, & R. Horner (Eds.), Encyclopedia of behavior modification and cognitive behavior therapy (Vol. III: Education applications, pp. 1433–1437). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.White, 2005)